Isaias, Ribeiro

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Brasil ,Natal/RN

Born in Rio de Janeiro, on October 11, 1964.
Since 1978 he has lived in Natal / RN. He holds a doctorate, master's degree and bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Joined the ICAM in São Paulo, 2016.
Research the relationships between architecture and art. Professor of Architecture Design. Visual artist.
His artistic training includes several art courses, practical and theoretical, among which “The Creative Process - Whistling and Sucking Cane” with Charles Watson, 2020 and “Artist Portfolio - Presentation Strategies and Career Development” stand out. , with Bruno Miguel, in 2023, both from the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Laje, Rio de Janeiro. Since 1984 he has been participating in group and individual exhibitions in Brazil, one of which was in Vienna, Austria. His works belong to private and public collections such as UFRN, UFAL Pinacoteca, State Government. In 2022, his work was acquired to join the contemporary art collection of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB).


Museu do Seridó: um museu invisível

The Seridó Museum is one of the museums of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)  state and is located in the city of Caicó, in a hot and arid region, approximately 270 km from the state capital, Natal. The small historical building that houses the museum presents characteristics of architecture from the Brazilian colonial period. Documents notice the building's opening in 1812 as a jail until 1935. The change in function occurred with the inauguration of the city's museum. A sequence of closings and openings is part of the history of this museum, leaving marks and structural problems. Complete abandonment remained until 1968. The institutional mission of the Museu do Seridó is to research, preserve and communicate the cultural identities of Seridó in Rio Grande do Norte, in order to foster the scientific, educational, artistic, social and tourist development of the region, promoting training and reflection critical in order to contribute to human development, committing to social justice, socio-environmental sustainability, democracy and citizenship. After being closed for several years, the museum reopened in 2008. In July 2019 there was the last reopening. There was a need for renovation (retrofit) for the museum to reopen. From the reopening until the closure of UFRN and the Museum due to social isolation to prevent Covid-19, approximately 650 pieces that form its rich collection were listed and sanitized. This work presents the history of this building and an architectural renovation proposal, which aims to meet and solve the needs of accessibility and inclusion, technical reserve, laboratory and educational sector, in addition to new living and exhibition spaces. The project has not yet been implemented, but we hope as results, in addition to the adjustments to the physical spaces, that the population will use the museum and that they will participate in the life of the city.

museum architecture, university museum, museum exhibition