The National Museum of Prehistory, located in Taitung, Taiwan, is aligned with the mountains and overlooks the sea. It is one of Taiwan's major public museums dedicated to anthropology and natural history and is also the first national museum in Eastern Taiwan. The museum focuses on Taiwan’s prehistory, natural history, the social and cultural aspects of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples, as well as the collection, research, and educational promotion of Austronesian artifacts, bridging the past and present where Taiwan meets the world.

The main venue for this year’s Taiwan Annual Meeting is the Kangle branch in Taitung City. The original building, designed in 1993 by the renowned postmodern architect Michael Graves and his team, underwent a renovation in 2020. Architect Chen Zhesheng adopted "openness" and "flow" as the primary design concepts to unify the previously fragmented spaces and enhance the spiritual essence of Graves' original design. The conference will be held in the International Conference Hall on the second floor of the south wing, which accommodates 90 people and is equipped with standard audiovisual and interactive facilities.

How to reach the National Museum of Prehistory

 TRAIN:Get off at Kangle Station. It’s a 5-10 minute walk from there.。Or get off at Taitung Station and proceed to your destination by taxi or take one of the following bus options.。【Taiwan Railway

  BUS:Get on Shing Dong Bus 8115 at the Taitung Bus Station or Taitung Train Station and take it to the National Museum of Prehistory stop.

  CAR:On Section 4 of Zhongxing Road in Taitung City, turn onto Museum Road (the Yuen Foong Yu Paper Plant is at that intersection), which will bring you to the museum.

 PLANE:From Taitung Airport, head towards Section 1 of Suiyuan Road, then continue straight along Nandao Blvd and turn onto Guanqian Road to reach your destination.。【Taitung Airport


The National Palace Museum, which has been open for nearly a century, is one of the world's most renowned museums. The majority of its collection originated from the former holdings of the Preparatory Department of the National Central Museum, which primarily consists of artifacts from the Qing imperial collections in Beijing, Rehe (Jehol), and Shenyang, China. These treasures arrived in Taiwan by a twist of fate and have since become a vital part of Taiwan’s diverse cultural heritage.

Since the 21st century, the National Palace Museum has expanded its vision to encompass a broader collection of Asian cultural treasures, thereby playing a crucial role in preserving the rich heritage of human and art histories. The museum has gradually focused on six guiding principles: public accessibility, local engagement, professionalism, diversity, internationalization, and youth engagement, enriching its diverse activities and strengthening connections with the local community.

The Roundtable and Closing Ceremony of this year's conference will be held in the Multimedia Auditorium. The venue is located on the B1 level of the First Exhibition Area (Main Hall) and is arranged in a tiered lecture hall format, accommodating up to 120 people.

Taipei Metro /BUS:

  1. Take the Tamsui-Xinyi Line (Red Line) to Shilin Station and then take a transfer bus:
    Walk from Exit 1 of Shilin Station R16 for approximately 1-2 min to arrive at the bus stops on Zhongzheng Rd.; take Bus R30/紅30, 815, 304, 300, 255, S19/小19, S18/小18, or M1/市民小巴1 to the National Palace Museum.
  2. Take the Wenhu Line (Brown Line) to Jiannan Road Station and then take a transfer bus:
    Walk from Exit 1 of Jiannan Road Station BR15 and turn right on Beian Rd. to arrive at bus stops; take BR20/棕20, BL7/藍7 to the National Palace Museum.
  3. Take the Wenhu Line (Brown Line)to Dazhi Station and then take a transfer bus:
    Walk straight from Exit 3 of Dazhi Station BR14 to arrive at the bus stops on Beian Rd.; take BR13/棕13 to the National Palace Museum.

      【Taipei Metro Map 】

      【Taipei real-time bus information